Meet Somerville Media Center!

Published March 2022

Did you know we have a community radio and tv station right here in Union Square? We sat down with Kat Powers, the Executive Director of the Somerville Media Center (SMC), to learn more about how their amazing programs enable our vibrant and diverse community to express its creativity, explain its ideas, share its cultures, and foster each individual’s right to freedom of speech.

How did your organization start? 

We started in 1983 when then-Mayor Gene Brune realized there needed to be a 501c3 running the public access end of local cable. That decision made us the first public access TV station in Massachusetts. We now operate Somerville Community Access Television (SCATV), Somerville Neighborhood News, and Boston Free Radio. We also work to foster free speech through workshops, certifications, tutorials, and youth programs.  

What’s the single most important reason for your success?

We help Somervillians tell their stories. SMC provides a safe space where members of our community can learn to create. Want to learn on your own? Take a few classes in how to use the equipment and then take it out to experiment. Want to learn while doing? Answer a crew call announcement, get technical support on projects and never hesitate to contact us to chat more about your projects. We are here to help you succeed! When we all share our stories, we're stronger as a community.

How do you #LoveUnionSquare?

Absolutely anything you want—groceries, dishes, dinner, jewelry, pet supplies, postage stamps, stationery, beer, coffee, curry—can all be found within yards of our front door!

Is there anything else you think people should know?

We're not just here to teach you how to tell a story. We're a community of artists too. Come on by for a tour! 

To learn more about Somerville Media Center, public access television, community radio, and how to produce your own show, request a New Member Orientation. SMC works really hard to keep prices accessible to everyone with discounts for Somerville residents. For more information about membership rates, click here.

Somerville Media Center is open Tuesday-Saturday from 12-8pm by appointment. Learn more by visiting their website and following them on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook